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  • Tha5elements 2:57 pm on April 7, 2012 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , Fashion, ,   

    #Magazine: HoopDoop = Dope! #Fashion #Art @HOOPDOOPMAG #Roots #Photos 

    HoopDoop = Dope!

    Hoop Doop Magazine is a creative platform for underground fashion, music, and art shaped into a web magazine/blog.
    The main focus of the project is on “underground creative work” as we want to portray the artist and work’s inspiration through exploring contexts, analyzing roots, development, challenges and compromises, defining the production environment and the living of emerging artists.

    The “shoot” is about all the things not yet seen, said and written about emerging talents working on the creative side!
    Conceptualized and realized by a musicologist, a photographer and a stylist/fashiondesigner, the platform is a meeting point for “creative workers,” people from the art industry who want to exchange work and inspiration and be encouraging towards life.
    We like to think of culture and art as “Muses,” poetic inspirations brought to our world to be a life source, to be able to face daily life, to always challenge the perspective on society.

    Hoop Doop is the sound made when transitioning from a sitting to a standing position; it is a step forward that describes a form of evolution.
    We focus on movements and gestures, small steps as well as jumps, acts and pictures, from daily lives and daily challenges.



  • Tha5elements 6:49 am on April 1, 2012 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , , Fashion, , ,   

    Event/Vandaag: 1 April *Laatste Voorronde @Kunstbende 2012 te #Amsterdam Locatie: Meervaart 

    Dé wedstrijd voor jong creatief talent!

    Thema 2012 = Vreemd

    Zondag 15 april

    Melkweg, Amsterdam

    Met ieder jaar 13 voorrondes verspreid door het hele land en één landelijke finale in Amsterdam is Kunstbende dé landelijke wedstrijd in kunst voor creatieve jongeren tussen de 13 en 19 jaar oud. Je kunt meedoen in 8 verschillende categorieën (o.a. dans, theater, muziek, fashion). Kijk op http://www.kunstbende.nl voor alle informatie.


  • Tha5elements 9:45 pm on February 9, 2012 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , , , Fashion, Models, MODSAgency, opzoek,   

    Dansers opgelet!! MOD.S Agency is opzoek naar dansers voor een show. 

    MOD.S Agency is opzoek naar dansers voor een show.


    Dames vanaf 1.70m
    Heren vanaf 1.80m
    Je moet bereid zijn je haar te laten knippen, stylen en/of kleuren door topstylisten.
    Je moet op 10 en 11 maart beschikbaar zijn.

    Ben jij of ken je iemand die interesse heeft?
    Stuur dan een mail naar: angela@modsagency.nl

  • Tha5elements 12:15 pm on January 16, 2012 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: 1989, , , , , , Fashion, Gstar, , MurthyMossel, , PatrickCesar, , VespaEmanuelson   

    Video: @Eszteca’s – Dutch Old School Dancers 1991 – Part 1 #Tha5elements #T5E #Dance #Oldschool 

    I’m sharing a collection of authentic old school hiphop dance footage that was taken since 1989. This video contains footage of my crew N.A.M.E during the first Gapstar (G-Star) fashion trade show in 1991.

    THIS IS ORIGINAL & AUTHENTIC HIPHOP MATERIAL! how it was done many years ago long before the dance class, sytycd and battle event culture. This is a great dutch contribution to the international History of Hiphop dance.

    N.A.M.E was formed in 1989 known for raw Hiphop dancing and MC’ing who seperated themselves from the commercial New Jack Swing movement. They are also known to be the 1st gen Hiphop dancers in Holland since 1982 and they are the first House dancers in Europe since 1989.

    Enjoy the video and stay tuned for the many authentic video’s I’m about to release!


    Eszteca Noya (17)
    Murthy Mossel (20)
    Vespa Emanuelson (20)
    Babrbara Rose (17)
    Patrick Cesar(The Deff Boyz crew Lockers UK)
    Chris (The Deff Boyz crew Lockers UK)

    John Agesilas (MC & Host for the show!)

    check out the info about our dance studio on:


    or call: +31(0)6 25388208

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